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How Does It Feel To Keep A Cremation Urn At Home?

How Does It Feel To Keep A Cremation Urn At Home?

Having a home with cremation urns always seems to be very personalized and usually laced with love, loss, and memory. To most, it will give them something tangible that links them up to a loved one; thus, comforting them and succeeding in conveying continued proximity. However, having a cremation urn in a home calls forth a complicated mix of emotions from comfort to grief.

Serves As A Constant Reminder of Love: 

One of the main reasons a person would wish to keep a cremation urn in the house is the psychological need to possess a physical presence of the dead. An urn would serve to be a point of memory and stories, reminding them of experiences shared and love unconditional.

People like to know their beloved person is near enough to carry on the relationship into death. The bond can then be very important even when in pain: the urn can then be a source of solace and strength.

This forming of a shrine or, rather, designating a special space for the use of the urn- it is often strewn with photos or personal mementos- is but a way by which families would honor the life of their loved one in a very deep sense. Something mundane becomes shrine marks for reminiscing about where people would stop, pray, or hold a conversation with a loved one. That is comforting to do as it serves a medium by which one can say feelings they otherwise might not say.

Grief and Acceptance Navigation: 

Although it may be comforting to have an urn in the house, it still is something that exposes the person every day to their grief. For some, it can be too sad since it will remind them of the loss they suffered regarding such deep tragic loss. That's normal and occurs differently on other days. Some days, it becomes far too bad, and tears start coming or the ability not to carry the memories into one's mind.

However, time fills the ache for most of gazing at the urn. Then it becomes an object of love and legacy and not a relic of loss only. Grieving is different from person to another; having that urn at home may become more important in healing. It creates space to heal but lets people respect their feelings and live life again very slowly.

Creating a Personal Connection: 

Another crucial factor that contributes to the feelings toward having it at home is the type of urn. Different people pick designs representing the personality of the deceased-personally, an urn which symbolizes his favorite color, hobby, or a meaningful symbol. In this way, the urn appears to be more of the loved one rather than a container with ashes inside.

And the urn can also be fitted into their family's daily life in the most personal way. For some, others would like it seen in an open visible place. Others would like to keep it somewhere quiet. It is always on the personal feelings and comfort level of the individual or family as to how they want to make their environment feel right for them.

Hence, keeping a cremation urn in the home is somewhat a personal decision that will evoke both sad and happy feelings. For most, it is always a comfort and they feel connected to the departed. It can be quite sad and tragic but time can give one a reason for the life lived. Last but not the least, the home-urn creates sustained remembrance, and thus, loss becomes an affirmation of the living-dead bond that endures.

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